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Sale of Arborist Wood Chips

Sale of Arborist
Wood Chips

R & R Tree Trimming and Removal sells arborist wood chips for homeowners, gardens and commercial use. Providing wood chips around a tree and throughout your garden area has numerous benefits, but it needs to be done correctly or it will do more harm than good. Wood chips should be 2-4 inches thick and extend to the drip line of the tree. Wood chips should be in an even flat layer, not piled up around the tree and should not be touching the trunk.  


Reasons to Choose Wood Chips Over Other Types of Mulch

A cheap and easy solution to increase the health of your trees. Properly installing mulch around the trunk of a plant is essential to any tree or shrub’s health. But not all types of mulch are the same. There are several choices, but only Arborist Wood Chips provide more benefits to your plants than others commercially treated mulches.


Wood chips are different from the bagged triple shred mulch you can purchase at a home improvement or landscaping supply store. Instead of being heavily processed hardwood, wood chips are simply large chunks of tree branches and trunks that are the byproduct of pruning trees.

Planting a Tree

The Benefits of Arborist Wood Chips

1.      Improves soil pH

2.      Increases root density

3.      Improves organic matter content

4.      Decreases soil bulk density

5.      Feeds the Soil

6.      Regulates Soil Temperature

7.      Regulates Moister Retention

8.      Reduces Waste

9.      Visually Attractive

10.    Natural Weed Suppression

11.    Prevent Damage to Trunk from Mowers or String Trimmers

12.    Eliminates the Need for Artificial Chemicals

13.    Does Not Become Hydrophobic (Repels Water)

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