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Tree Removal

What Tree Removal is Necessary?

Tree removal is often necessary to protect life and property, along with sustaining a healthy ecosystem. Don’t wait for damaged, dead, diseased, or hazardous trees to fall. There are several reasons to remove trees: damaged or diseased trees, dead trees, protection of life, limb and property, and tree appeal. At R&R Tree Trimming and Removal, we take the hassle out of removing and cleaning up trees on your property which can be time consuming and dangerous. Call, text, or email us now for a free quote.

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Tree on Fence

Reasons for Tree Removal

There are a number of reasons to remove a tree, those include:  


Damaged and Diseased Trees


In addition to being a hazard, damaged and/or diseased trees are also unsightly, decreasing the appeal and value of your home or business. The best thing to do (especially if the tree is severely damaged or diseased) is to remove the tree. Also, some diseased trees cannot be saved and can contribute to the spread of disease.


Dead Trees


Dead trees can be a hazardous to life and property depending on the location and size. In most cases of Urban Forestry, a dead tree should be professionally removed before it decays and causes damage to property or worse, serious injury or death to humans and/or pets. Not to mention, they attract insects, rodents, and other creatures, which in turn could lead to infestations or disease elsewhere on your property and/or community.


Protection of Life, Limb, and/or Property


Larger trees with dead branches pose a threat to the safety of humans and/or pets, and property in the area. It is not possible to predict when branches or even the entire tree could fall. The risk is especially high during inclement weather.


Trees that are leaning toward structures or power lines present a potential emergency. When trees fall, they may damage the structures, crush cars, power lines and communication lines, and more. Even large branches have the potential to cause significant damage to life, limb, or property. Don’t wait for trees or branches to fall and cause an emergency.


All trees can be vulnerable to the effects of nature. Lightning strikes may cause trees to split, fall, or catch fire. High winds can topple trees. Heavy snow and ice may lead to the breakage of branches or the entire tree. When trees are damaged in storms, they frequently damage property and present a safety hazard.

Tree roots damage sewer and water lines, walk-ways, road-ways, drive-ways, building foundations, etc. Certain species of trees are known to have large root systems. Within a short amount of time, roots can destroy surrounding property creating chronic problems over the life of the tree.


Tree Appeal


A tree that is over-grown, not properly cared for or neglected, will have a negative effect on the value of your property.

Tree in Power Lines

Dangers to Think About When Removing Trees

Many people do not understand that trees located near overhead wires can become energized and cause injury or death if contact is made. Contact can be made either directly or indirectly through tools or tree limbs.

It is not recommended to operate tools without the proper training. Those who do may hurt themselves and others while attempting tree work. Chain saws, are extremely dangerous and many times they are used inappropriately.

Why Choose Us for Your Tree Removal Needs

At R&R Tree Trimming and Removal, LLC, we use our experience, knowledge, and skills to make sure the job gets done right, every time. We take our clients' best interests at heart and make the process efficient, safe, and easy to work with. Our experience helps our clients in their knowledge to care for their trees properly, and to find the best solutions to making it affordable. We give estimates in a timely manner and are able to fulfill our clients needs.

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